

【I Started Financial Planning Service in English! 】

【I Started Financial Planning Service in English! 】
日本在住の外国人や、国際結婚カップルのための英語でのFPコンサルティングサービス。本邦初ではないかしらん。日本育ちの日本人にとっても難しいお金のこと、外国人にとっては、さらに大変でわかりにくい! 20年超のFP経験でお手伝いします。お友達に外国人や国際カップルがいたら、ぜひご紹介ください。

Financial Planning Service in English
for Foreigners and International Couples.

You are a non-native Japanese resident in Japan but enjoying your life in this country. That’s great! I love this beautiful country, too. However there are many challenging issues that come with living in a foreign country, especially regarding financial matters. If you are an International couple, you also may have a lot of questions or problems neither your friends nor family can answer.

Yoshiko Nakamura is a Bilingual Financial Planner
with more than 20 Year Experience in Tokyo.

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